What happens when I die?
Before we talk about death, let’s talk about life, specifically how we were created. God created all humanity with three components: body, spirit, and soul. The physical body is material in that it can cease to exist. There is an endpoint to its life. The spirit/soul are immaterial because they are eternal, or have no endpoint of existence.
The body consists of the external and internal parts that function together to keep us alive on earth. They are physical and can be seen. The soul can not be seen physically but is known as our life, mind, and will; our inner self. In other words, they represent who we really are in mental, moral, and social likeness. The spirit is that part of our being that remains actively participating with the Holy Spirit. It is known as our God-consciousness or spiritual self.
Is everybody good? Okay, now to answer the question. What happens when I die?
When the physical body breaths out its last breath, the body and soul/spirit part ways. The body begins to deteriorate and turns to dust. However, God calls the body, at this time, in a state of “sleep”. The Bible passage of First Corinthians 15:51,52 says, “Listen, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep (state of body death), but we will be changed- in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable (unable to die), and we will be changed.” So, our bodies, even though they are breaking down, will be made new again. That is God’s promise.
Our soul/spirit is in the presence of God the minute the body expires. Our inner being immediately goes to Heaven to live with the Lord forever. A Bible passage in Second Corinthians 5:6 tells us about the Apostle Paul’s view on death. He says, “Therefore. we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body, we are away from the Lord.” Paul distinguishes his mortal body from his soul/spirit. His desire is to be with Jesus and he will be when his body ceases to exist.
So, this is what God promises: when we die our soul/spirit goes to be with Him. There will be a future time when our bodies will be made new and rejoin our soul/spirit. This is an eternal condition.
BUT, there is a requirement for this to be true for you. Come back next month to learn what we have to do to gain this eternal condition.