Another VBS in the books…
Whew! Another week of Vacation Bible School is a wrap! Everyone had a fantastic time singing, learning about Jesus, making crafts, playing games, and of course, having snacks. Our theme this year was “Keepers of the Kingdom”. It was a lesson on wearing the armor of God to battle against the “bad” kingdom (Eph 6:13-17). Several cool animals showed us each part of the armor and why we need to wear it. There was Winnie the Warhorse, Wily the Fox, Grimaldi the Dragon, Byron the Ironclad Beetle, and Francine the Peregrine Falcon.
We danced and clapped while we sang our theme songs. We used gobs of glitter and paint on our crafts. We played grab the dragon tail, pool noodle battles, and don’t break the dragon egg. For snacks, we ate dragon tongues, dragon claws, and dragon cake.
As the kiddos left after the fun-filled week, they gave us hugs and a thank you and as they were going out the door, they yelled, “See you next year”. With a wave, we respond, “Yes you will.”